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PIQo4 (Picosecond, aka PICO) Laser

The PiQo4 laser is the most robust pigment removal and tattoo removal solution available today. Its effectiveness lies in a unique combination of pico (one trillionth of a second) and nano (a billionth of a second) energies for variable pulse duration (how quickly the laser fires). This advanced technology allows the removal of a wide range of tattoo ink colors and effectively addresses freckles, sun damage, melasma, vascular lesions and birthmarks.

PIQO laser treatment shatters pigments into finer particles that are harmlessly flushed by the immune system. Energy is delivered so fast with the PIQo4 that pigments are destroyed before heat is generated which allows it to be safely used in Asian, South Asian, Middle Eastern, and African American skin types.

Laser tattoo removal and skin pigmentation treatment require a series of treatments, spaced several weeks apart. However, with the PiQo4, you can count on shorter and fewer sessions.



FAQs Regarding PIQo4 Laser

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Pulvinar dolor conubia sed nunc praesent cursus lorem laoreet at litora. Montes maximus lacinia donec odio erat pellentesque ridiculus aliquam morbi scelerisque. Sem nulla semper neque id metus dictumst sed eget venenatis orci maximus. Elementum maximus imperdiet sed magna primis aptent dui justo scelerisque ipsum

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Pulvinar dolor conubia sed nunc praesent cursus lorem laoreet at litora. Montes maximus lacinia donec odio erat pellentesque ridiculus aliquam morbi scelerisque. Sem nulla semper neque id metus dictumst sed eget venenatis orci maximus. Elementum maximus imperdiet sed magna primis aptent dui justo scelerisque ipsum

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Pulvinar dolor conubia sed nunc praesent cursus lorem laoreet at litora. Montes maximus lacinia donec odio erat pellentesque ridiculus aliquam morbi scelerisque. Sem nulla semper neque id metus dictumst sed eget venenatis orci maximus. Elementum maximus imperdiet sed magna primis aptent dui justo scelerisque ipsum

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Pulvinar dolor conubia sed nunc praesent cursus lorem laoreet at litora. Montes maximus lacinia donec odio erat pellentesque ridiculus aliquam morbi scelerisque. Sem nulla semper neque id metus dictumst sed eget venenatis orci maximus. Elementum maximus imperdiet sed magna primis aptent dui justo scelerisque ipsum